Regular Car Maintenance

People who really care about their cars never miss an oil change, tire rotation, or regular tune-up. Usually, the cars that get regularly maintained will last longer than the owner has the car for.  People who tend to skip oil changes or other regular car services end up paying more for repairs or junking their car then they would have if they were to take care of their vehicles properly while they owned them.

Oil Changes

An oil change is the most commonly served car maintenance at any mechanic shop.  All they are doing is putting your car up on a lift, draining out all of the old and used oil, closing up the oil pan, and refilling with fresh motor oil.  Usually you’ll get an oil filter with these services as well.  A cheap oil change can cost as little as $13 while a synthetic oil change could possibly run closer to $100.

Tire Rotation

The tires in front of your car will have different wear and tear than the tires in the back.  This is because of the turning mainly.  When you turn your car while driving, the tread on the inside or outside of your tire will wear down quickly.  If you have a rear wheel driving car, the back tires will go bald more quickly than a front wheel car. Rotating the tires will increase the life of your tires and also provide better gas mileage.

Brake Service

It is important to get your brakes checked every oil change, or at least every other oil change.  You can extend the life of your entire braking system if you find a small problem early.  Lots of auto service shops offer deals on brake fluid changes, that work a lot like oil changes.  There is more work and tools involved, so it costs a bit more than an oil change, but is just as important.

NTB Oil Change

NTB, also known as National Tire and Battery, is one of my favorite companies that I use for any car services that I need.  NTB mainly focuses on selling tire and batteries, but you can also find some pretty amazing deals on other services that they have to offer like brake service, oil changes, tire installation, air conditioner repair, and a lot more.

My favorite part about NTB is the all inclusive pricing that they offer to all of their customers.  The all-inclusive deals work for both tire purchase/installation as well as the oil changes.  You might realize after you are ready to pay for your tires or oil change that the price is much higher than you originally saw advertised.  There are so many hidden fees that a lot of mechanics and other companies sneak into your final bill.  NTB doesn’t do this!

They have plenty of coupons available as well.  There are NTB coupons available for oil changes, tires, brake repair and overall service.  I have used the coupons on many occasions for oil changes and to get new brakes installed twice.  Every time I have been more than happy with the service that NTB was able to offer me.

Oil Change 101

You have a special milestone coming up with your car.  It’s another 3,000 mile mark.  How are you going to celebrate? Well, an oil change obviously!  What better way to do this.

How are you going to do this to make it a cheap oil change?

You have 2 different options.

Option A – Do it yourself

Option B – Pay somebody to do your oil change for you

Each option gives you some sort of benefit and drawback.  If you do your own oil change, you know it is done right and you can save some money.  If you pay somebody else to do it, it’ll be done faster but it’ll cost you a little more.

Oil change costs deviate a great deal primarily based on who works on an automible and the type of oil change you get.

There are different costs for introductory to more state of the art oil changes using premium oil and better oil filters. You may additionally get perks added together which can bring up the pricetag lots too.

The best oil change companies usually present some reasonably remarkable prices reduction for folks who have learned to discover them. You can usually look for a cost effective oil change voucher with little effort in the least.

You can usually a good Good Year oil change coupon has special discounts that help you save a few bucks on every oil change. Walmart oil change deals can be there that will waste less of your budget. Firestone oil change coupons can spare some hard earned cash on oil changes and also on possibly get you some cheap tires. You can find these oil change coupons on the web or in print.  You can even find a Pennzoil printable oil change coupon on their website.

You might want to do the oil change yourself.  If you do, I highly recommend that you buy a Haynes manual to figure out the right way to service you car.  After that do an inventory to make sure you are prepared with a jack, the right tools, and something for the oil to collect in under your car.

You can pour all of your used oil in the containers you just used.  Most auto parts stores will take these so that they can dispose of them the right way.